Gender Identity and Gender Expression in South African Schools

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Welcome to The Gender Identity and Gender Expression in South African Schools Master Class

Course Purpose
The purpose of this training Master Class is to serve as a teacher’s resource guide to inclusive education, aimed at supporting teaching and learning in the basic education system in South Africa. The training programme provides practical ideas and lesson plans for teachers and facilitators to establish a more inclusive environment for all learners, regardless of gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation through a Human Rights-based approach.

How to use this E-Learning Platform
This training programme is divided into seven chapters that help with all aspects of understanding, supporting and including transgender and gender non-conforming children into your classroom and school environment. But first, go to the glossary which explains all terms, and if you are worried about religion and culture see topic: Working with religion and culture in Lesson 6

You would also have access to activities and lesson plans you can use in your classroom, in your Resources tab.